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Overview of the current governance model and framework

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Written by Trader Joe
Updated over a week ago

JOE token holders may now participate in protocol governance

What is 'Governance'?

'On-chain' governance is a system for managing and implementing changes to a platform, such as the Trader Joe Decentralised Exchange. Community Members that hold JOE Tokens, will be able to raise a proposal, rally support for that proposal and then initiate a binding, on-chain vote to ratify the proposal and have the proposal implemented.

What does the JOE Governance Mandate control?

JOE Governance was initially used to determine tokens pairs that will be added to the Liquidity Book 'base assets list'. Adding a Token to the 'base assets list' can then also result in the deployment of a corresponding Liquidity Book Market.

Types of Proposals

  • Vote to add a new base asset to the base asset list

  • Vote to add or combine a base asset with a quote asset

Governance will not be able to vote on new quote assets or market configurations of new Liquidity Book Pools. This will be decided by the core team to ensure that only healthy and viable markets are opened.

Examples of Voting

I can vote on:

  1. Pairing JOE (base asset) with AVAX (quote asset)

  2. Add JOE to the base asset list

I cannot vote on:

  1. Add JOE to the quote asset list

  2. Open JOE (base asset) with BUSD (base asset) market

Voting Power

  • 1 JOE token = 1 Vote

Please note that voting on snapshot will require you to hold JOE tokens at the time of the snapshot being taken, that is at the end of the snapshot timer. To understand more about how to vote, please visit the below:

Future Governance

Trader Joe is open and flexible towards its governance structure. The platform is open to considering any governance proposal that can demonstrate clear value add. For further clarification please read out to any Governance Council Committee Member, in the Trader Joe Discord.

If you have specific questions please join the Trader Joe Discord Server

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